We recently fixed a bug with wadm config deployment which will result in improved reconciliation times for local deployments.
We can do config on components or providers using wasi runtime config. Previously, when we deployed example applications using runtime config locally, we would wait for a moment for the wasm component to reconcile. This was strange, since components are small and there was no clear reason why it should take this amount of time to start.
The source was a small bug in reconciliation logic for wadm—now fixed.
Tl;dr this patch bump should result in much quicker reconciliation for wadm locally — deployments should go from 15s to less than 1s.
DISCUSSION: wash-cli and wash-lib are dead ... Long live wash
The wash-cli and wasi-lib crate merge is now complete.
With the completion of the merge, the feature freeze on wash is now over.
If you previously used cargo to install wash-cli, you'll now want to use the wash crate instead.