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February 26, 2025


  • DEMO + DISCUSSION: Custom interfaces and distributed failures
  • DISCUSSION: Road to KubeCon EU 2025
  • DISCUSSION: Release notes & PR titles

Meeting Notes

DEMO + DISCUSSION: Custom interfaces and distributed failures

In addition to well-known interfaces, wasmCloud makes it possible to use custom interfaces: interfaces defined in WIT expressing a contract you want to use with a Wasm component. When you do that at runtime, wasmCloud will create a polyfill for you and connect to a component or provider that will fulfill the function called over that interface.

There’s an important piece we don’t handle right now: Surfacing transport level errors in the distributed RPC call. In this case, the function call will fail, but we won’t surface the error specifically. This is partially by design! Brooks has a demo that functions as a proposal for how to deal with this issue: a well-known error type defined in WIT that can be used by components. Check out the video to see how this is defined and implemented in a modified version of the standard hello world component with a custom function to call at runtime.

DISCUSSION: Road to KubeCon EU 2025

Conferences are coming up soon. If you’re going to be in Barcelona and/or London, let us know — we’d love to meet people in the community!

With the pre-conference busy period coming right up, community meetings might be on the shorter side for the next few weeks. If any contributors would like to present demos, let us know — we’d love to highlight you, and can do so either live or async with pre-recorded video.

DISCUSSION: Release notes & PR titles

When you create a PR, our conventional commit bot parses the message to make sure it’s conventional and adds relevant labels with details like scope (for example, “host”) and impact (for example, breaking changes). Then we can leverage those labels to organize automated release notes.

Tune in…

Catch up…
